Cycling routes
Routes to enjoy Onís on our bicyclesB11. Benia MTB through Pandellevandes, el Picuetu, Mestas and Siempreverde

Cycling route
Length: 19 km : 19 km : Difficulty: Moderate : Difficulty level: 775 m : Climbing: 775 m : Type: Circular
Itinerary: Benia – Pandellavandes – Llanos de Con- El Picuetu – Intriago – Vega de Intriago – Mestas – Siempreverde – Sirviella

Relatively short MTB route, but with two steep climbs of 175 and 200 m of elevation gain and another more gradual one towards the end. It runs through the border area between the councils of Onís and Cangas de Onís.
The most technical part is the ascent through the forest of Llevandes where you take an old disused road to go down to Llanu de Con, a very beautiful area with many chestnut and oak trees. In the “chigre” (typical Asturian shop-bar) of Llanu de Con you can recharge your batteries before starting the second ascent along the track that goes up to the Picuetu, already with views of Los Picos. During the descent to Intriago enjoy the views over the council of Cangas before turning off through the valley to Mestas, where you take the Siempreverde track to return to Benia. This will be the last climb, unless you take the shortcut to Sirviella through the forest, crossing the irrigation, and thus save a couple of kilometers and a 75m climb.
Landscape: Typical villages, Asturian countryside with meadows, forests and cabins in the higher areas, and the Intriago plain, which is completely flat.
Basic data
Start: Parking Interpretation Center Parking Bearded Vulture
End: Same as start
Length: 19 km
Climbing height: 775 m
Maximum altitude: 380 m
Type of route: Circular
Type of road surface
Tractor rides through forests and countryside, gravel farm tracks (with concreted sections) and 2 short sections on asphalt (30% in total).
Bicycle classification

Important note: The old causeway that connects Pandellevandes and Llanu de Con is not well maintained at the beginning, so you may have to carry the branch bike in some sections. When you reach an enclosed farm with a gate, continue along a path to the right parallel to the farm. If the pass is closed with wire, you can pass (it is only to prevent animals from coming down to the village) but close it when passing!
RECOMMENDATIONS: On rainy days it can be quite muddy in the creeks, especially in wooded areas or areas covered by hazelnut trees.
Suitable for families with children and teenagers who already know how to ride MTB, NOT for beginners.