English course applied to Ecotourism professionals
Level A2 and Level B1
English course for Ecotourism professionals
- To provide professionals in the sector in the area with language tools to communicate with their clients and potential clients and thus facilitate the commercial work and the delivery of their services to the English-speaking public.
- That the participants finish the course with a “Menu of Services” prepared by themselves in quality English, with which they add value to their tourism business.
Tourism sector professionals:
- Guides/interpreters
- Owners of hospitality establishments (hotels and restaurants)
- Cheese factories
- Retailers
PLACE: Bearded Vulture Mountains Visitor Center (Benia de Onís).
DATE: November 13 to 24, 2023 (2 weeks)
HOURS: From 10:00 to 14:00 h. Monday to Friday
DURATION: 50 hours
Nº OF PARTICIPANTS: 9 students max.
TRAINING ENTITY: Peak Me Languages
ORGANIZED by: City Council of Onís and FCQ
MORE INFORMATION : Bearded Vulture Conservation Foundation
e-mail conchi@quebrantahuesos.org or Tf. 985 844 293
SELECTION CRITERIA: Entrepreneurs and workers in the tourism sector and links with the council of Onís.
A placement test will be given to the pre-selected candidates.
CERTIFICATION: Students will receive a certificate of attendance, for which they must have attended at least 80% of the course hours.
What will you learn in this course?
The contents will cover these aspects, with sufficient flexibility to incorporate topics of interest to the participants and eliminate those that are not relevant to them due to the nature of their business:
- Basic communication: Greeting, welcoming and positioning the client + Dates, times and weather information. Farewells
- Present information, advise and recommend
- Describing the ecotourism product
- Directions: Inside and outside the establishment
- Explanations and instructions: presentation of dishes and beverages
- Taking the order
- Collection and payment
- Receive phone calls and e-mails. Reservations
- Hotels and other accommodations
- Restaurants and bars
- Lexicon of other specific business fields
- Activities in nature
- Offer information of interest about the area: ecosystems, traditions and other resources.
- Emergency situations
- Complaints, claims and apologies