Guide-Interpreter Course
“Shepherds and Biodiversity Route” of Onís
Interpreter Guide Course for the ‘Shepherds and Biodiversity Route’.
Registration period CLOSED
Within the framework of the Tourism Sustainability Plan of Onís, this training action supports the implementation of the product ‘Ecotourism in Picos de Europa: Destino Onís’.
The main objective of the course is to train students to work as Guide-Interpreter on the Shepherds and Biodiversity Route in the Ports of Onís. The training will be oriented to train on the natural, landscape and ethnographic resources of the route and especially in relation to shepherding and its relationship with biodiversity and its conservation.
- People interested in developing their activity as tourist guides.
- Priority will be given to people registered and/or linked to the council of Onis.
- Previous training and/or work experience in the tourism sector will be an asset.
- Knowledge of English and other languages will be an asset, as well as having completed the Tourist Guide and Information and Tourist Guide course given within the framework of the PSTD.
PLACE: Multipurpose Municipal Center (Benia de Onís).
DATES AND TIMES: From November 2 to 9, 2022. Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
DURATION: 50 hours
REGISTRATION: SPACES SOLD OUT – Registration period closed. Through the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture. Formalization of registrations through this on-line form, email conchi@quebrantahuesos.org or Tf. 985 844 293
SELECTION CRITERIA: Link to the council of Onís and the level of knowledge and experience. It will be valued to have completed the Ecotourism Informant Course of Onís.
PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 14 to 24, 2022
CERTIFICATION: Students will receive a certificate of attendance, for which they must have attended at least 80% of the course hours.

The course is based on thematic blocks that combine theoretical content with practical sessions on the route. The course will be given by experts in the different topics and will include specific technical material. The contents have been structured in 3 MODULES
Wednesday, November 2nd
9:00-09:30h Reception of participants and delivery of documentation.
9:30-10:00h Inauguration and presentation of the course.
Module 1: Description of the Shepherds and Biodiversity Route and its tourist resources
10:00-11:00h Tourism Sustainability Plan of the council of Onís (PSTO Management) Presentation of the Route of Puertu: Shepherds and Biodiversity and its objectives (FCQ)
11:00-11:30h Coffee break.
11:30-13:00h Geological resources and the physical environment of Onís (Luna Adrados, Geologist and tourist guide specialized in Cantabrian geology).
13:00-17:00h Field tour for Landscape Interpretation (Luna Adrados)
14.00 h. Picnic lunch.
Thursday, November 3rd
Cultural and ethnographic resources
9:00-10:30 h History and settlement of the council of Onís (Fernando Ruiz, tour guide and owner of the hostel Casa de la Montaña de Avín)
10:30-11:00 h Coffee break.
11:00-15:00 h Management of groups in mountain routes. Climb to Pandescura (Fernando Ruiz) 14:00 h Picnic lunch.
16:30-18:00 h Shepherding, transhumance and cheese: life in the puertu (Gonzalo Barrena, philosophy professor and writer).
Friday, November 4
Biological Resources
9:00-11:00 h Flora and Fauna Resources of the council of Onís (Javier GIl. Biologist and tour guide. FCQ)
11:00-11:300 h Coffee break.
11:30-14:00 h Field trip. Landscape interpretation (FCQ)
14:00-14:30 h Picnic lunch
14:30-18:00 h Cabaña Soñín (FCQ and cheese maker). Bearded Vulture Recovery Plan in Picos de Europa (FCQ)
Monday, November 7th
Module 2: Execution Route
09:00-10:30 h Technical aspects of the access track. Handling of electric/hybrid vehicles on mountain trails. Maintenance (Taxis Onis)
10:30-11:00 h Coffee break.
11:00-12:00 h. Presentation of the EcopicosdeEuropa Association (Pablo Martino, tourism entrepreneur and president of the Ecopicos Association).
12:00-14:30 Basic assistance services: mapping, orientation (Victor Sanchez, climber and mountain guide)
14:30-15:00 h Picnic lunch
15:00-17:00 Basic assistance services. First aid (Víctor Sánchez)
Tuesday, November 8th
Module 3: Communication and interpretation techniques
9:00-11:00 h Communication and interpretation techniques in guided routes. Preparation of contents for the interpretation of the route (Jorge Garzón, tourist guide and ecotourism expert).
11:00-11:30 h Coffee break.
11:30-13:00 h Preparation of contents for the interpretation of the route (Jorge Garzón)
13:00-17:00 h Tour of the port route. Communication practices by the students at the stops and centers of interest. Includes picnic lunch (Jorge Garzón)
Wednesday, November 9th
9:00-10:30 h. Route logistics: companies, vehicles, route/s, number of users, frequency. Evaluation of the tourist experience (FCQ).
10:30-11:00 h Coffee break.
11:00-12:00 h Visit Quiliama Cave (FCQ)
12:00-13:00 h Public-private models for the tourist management of the route (FCQ and PSTO Management)
13:00-14:00 h Evaluation. Closing of the course and presentation of diplomas (FCQ).
14:00-16:00 h Closing meal
- Training on the most relevant characteristics of the flora, fauna, geology, landscape and ethnography of the council of Onís, especially in relation to mountain pastoralism.
- To reinforce the techniques necessary to professionally interpret this physical, biological and cultural information and make it available to users, satisfying their requirements and expectations.
- Analyze in depth the route of the Ruta del Puertu ‘Shepherds and Biodiversity’, especially those aspects that have to do with the safety of the activity, and know in detail the regulation of the use of the access track to Soñín.
- Train future guides to face any unforeseen situation during the activity: adverse weather conditions, user accidents, problems with access vehicles, etc.
- To provide participants with the most relevant aspects regarding the safety of driving off-road electric vehicles in the mountains.
It is intended that at the end of the course the students will be able to:
- To learn about the main natural and ethnographic resources of the Shepherds and Biodiversity Route.
- To know communication and interpretation techniques for a correct performance of the guide’s functions, adapting them to the group’s profile.
- To know the legislation for the development of the activity and the use of the access track.
- Learn how to resolve last minute incidents and setbacks in the development of your guiding duties.
- Correct handling of electric vehicles on mountain trails
- Collect and process information provided by users/tourists regarding their experience.
- Adequate management of suggestions, complaints and claims.